Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Time for bed!

We had a great visit with Grandma Brenda tonight! I wore my 'Off to Grandma's' just seemed fitting : )

After we left Grandma's, we ran to Target to pick some stuff up for Mama and Daddy. When we got home, I was STARVING! I let Mama and Daddy know in my usual way...screaming : )  and they fed me right away. I have to say though, they could have been a little faster! Daddy fed me and then cuddled with me for a little bit before he turned me into a burrito and tried to put me to bed.

I was okay in this amazing swaddle blanket for a little bit, but then I decided that what I REALLY wanted, was to cuddle with Mama! She's just so warm all the time : ) I fell fast asleep on Mama's chest and she laid me in my cradle. 

Goodnight moon.

1 comment:

  1. My word. Looks a bit straight-jacket confining! I was worried for a bit I'd need to intervene, but as soon as i realized that it's just fashion, i was ok. Keep being weird, and loving L.A. til he's a happy monster deluxe!
